Maria & Mark at Jungfrau, "The Top of Europe".
Maria Sue Mutu Hubbuch
Maria teaches spiritual classes and treats clients through Harmonizing Ambient Energy. Maria is a Certified Practitioner and Certified Teacher through the National Association of Esoteric Healing. She has taken all 8 levels of Esoteric Healing and Advanced Esoteric Healing. In addition to Esoteric Healing, Maria is also a Certified ThetaHealing Practitioner and ThetaHealing Teacher through THink Institute. Her private practice also includes Access Consciousness, Axiatonal Alignments and Reiki (Master).
As a Reiki master, she teaches these classes and initiates students into Reiki.
She is a certified Seraphim Blueprint Instructor in all 6 levels, she teaches these classes in person and remotely via teleconference. She has taken all available Seraphim Blueprint classes and advanced classes and incorporates this training into her practice.
Through these varying modalities she is able to use the most appropriate techniques to meet client needs and requests, through individual sessions, in person or via teleconference.
Clearing spaces, setting grids, cleansing crystals, healing the past to impact the present, Soul contact and communication, balancing, clearing, healing at all levels is possible.
She moved to SW Florida in 1995
Married with one daughter
She has been a student of Unity since the mid 80’s and became a member of the church in 1997.
Initiated in to Kriya Yoga in 2002 in the lineage of Paramahamsa Yogananda; studied the works of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Iyanla Vanzant, Marianne Williamson, Brian Weiss, Louise Hay, Abraham-Hicks, Alice A. Bailey and A Course In Miracles.
A retired Social Worker and former High School Counselor, she resides in Naples Florida with her husband.
Her focus is personal growth and being of service to humanity.
“The energy work I’ve experienced with Maria has inspired healing, change and more awareness in my life. ”