Pre Requisite: Part 3 Esoteric Healing. In this class we learn treatment protocals in the brain including balancing the left and right hemaspheres.
26 CEU's for each class for Massage Therapists
8:15 am - 6:30 pm daily, one hour lunch on site
Location: Naples Florida
Tuition$444 includes $44 registration fee
Discount for early Registration: 30 days prior to class Register with $44 and pay $360 on first day of class.
Repeat Students: $125; add $25 if you would like a new book.
For those in need of accommodations in Naples for classes, I may be able to assist you to find reasonably priced rooms.
Financial Scholarships for EH classes available through National Association of Esoteric Healing.
Apply on line for scholorships at