Introduction to Esoteric Healing Seminar

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Introduction to Esoteric Healing Seminar


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This seminar is open to anyone interested in learning about principles of spiritual healing and energy anatomy—there are no prerequisites or knowledge of anatomy needed - just an interest to learn. 

You will fully understand the answers to these questions and many more:

How can esoteric healing result in physical healing?
How could one heal without touching the body?
What do I need to do to get in touch with my own inner knowing, my purpose, my intuition?

Schedule: Jan. 14 - 16 Sat-Monday 8:45 am- 6:30 pm

Location: Naples, FL

Tuition: By Jan 1: $360 + $44 Registration After Jan 1: $444 + $44

Repeat Students $125 registered by Jan 1 $170 after Jan 1, 2017

Contact and Registration: 
Maria Sue Mutu Hubbuch (239)910-6576 or