Aug 12, 13, 14, 2017
ThetaHealing ® is easy to learn and is a technique that allows students to become empowered to transform their lives. This course teaches you how to confidently apply the ThetaHealing ® technique on yourself or on anyone else.
During the class, individuals will receive hundreds of clearings, including the removal of stagnant and outdated thought forms and beliefs which can hold one back from their full potential. Even if you choose you not use this modality to treat others, the healings you will receive for yourself during these three days are invaluable. The treatments will be done aloud so that the method of clearing, healing and instilling new beliefs can be learned easily for future use. The materials provided can be used at home for yourself and others, so the information need not require memorization. Many have expressed that the depth of healing received in this class is comparable to years of counseling or psychotherapy. The healing's are done in a group setting with the entire class and personal information need not be revealed to receive the healing.
The course covers the following:
• Applied Quantum Physics - understanding the science of Theta
• Connect with the Divine and learn how to access a Theta state swiftly and easily
• Discover the 4 Levels of Beliefs and how to alter negative beliefs on a core, genetic, historic and soul level
• Learn how to perform powerful energy clearings on yourself, others, home, office or business
• Perform Future Readings
• Learn how to intuitively see inside the human body and identify problem areas
• Find out how to prevent and free yourself from psychic attacks, curses and soul fragments
• Reverse the aging process.
• Look and feel youthful by activating your youth and vitality chromosomes and 2 strands of DNA
This course is 75% hands-on and is a prerequisite for all other ThetaHealing courses.
This seminar is open to anyone interested in learning about principles of spiritual healing through the Creator of All that Is--there are no prerequisites.
Course is based on the book ThetaHealing Basic DNA by Vianna Stibal. Certified and Trained instructors by Vianna offer this course.